Church governance: getting rid of traditions of men


Mark 7 v 8: “For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men….
A tradition can be described as a norm, a practise or custom that is acceptable among a group of people. However, certain traditions in the church have a way of replacing the commandment of God. In other words, a tradition can be a practice in the Church that is accepted by all, but is contrary to the Word. These traditions do not just happen in an instance, but they slowly take root among us until they have replaced the practise of Scripture. In fact they get established to an extent that error is received as truth, while Truth is frowned upon.
Paul warned Timothy about this in 1 Timothy 4 v 16 (NIV) when he said, “Watch your life and doctrine closely…” It is easy to move away from Truth and good doctrine and start practicing harmful doctrines.
Every now and then we need to check if we are still in the Truth. As a people, we have a tendency of slowly moving away from Truth. Therefore we ought to always check that we are properly aligned to the Truth and practise of Scripture.
Thus every practise in the church must pass the test of Scripture. If we cannot support any practise with two or three Scriptures, then it must fall away and Truth must rise. #TraditionsOfMenMustFall

The Church and Christ

Colossians 1 v 18: And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the first born from the dead, that in all things He may have the pre-eminence. 
Christ is the head of the church and he must have the “pre-eminence”. That means He must have the highest honour and adoration amongst the saints. Alas! It is not so. The Senior pastors and founders have more honour and adoration than Christ in most churches. In fact people believe pastors more that Christ. Christ has become a foreigner and outcast in His own Church. The saints talk more about their papa than Jesus. The saints long for a touch from papa than Jesus. The highest honour and worship goes to papa than Christ.
This tradition has crept into the church and has become a norm. Worshipping a man of God is normal and no one sees anything wrong with that. In the Scripture above, the church is described as a body, and Christ as its Head. We need to restore the Headship of Christ in our midst. We need to restore the order. This phenomenon of the men of God is so established that people think that their pastors are mediators between them and God. People even pray to the God of their “fathers”. The Scripture is clear, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and  men, the Man Christ Jesus.” ( I Tim 2 v 5).

The elders

1 Peter 5 v 1 – 5, “The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and witness of Christ’s sufferings, and aslo a partaker of the glory that will be revealed. Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly. Not as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.
The concept of elders is introduced in this scripture above and many other scriptures (James 5 v 14 – 16, Philippians 1 v 1, Acts 14 v 23, Titus 1 v 5 – 9, 1 Timothy 5 v 17 – 20). Firstly, the elders constitute a layer of leadership in the church. Secondly we see a concept of plurality of elders, and not a concept of a singular pastorate. In other words, the shepherding of the flock of Christ is done by a group of elders and not a single man of God or papa. Thirdly and most importantly, Christ is the Chief Shepherd of His flock. Therefore if there is any seniority with regard to leadership in the church, it is Christ who is the Chief, Senior and Major Pastor of His flock. In summary, Christ is the Senior Pastors who leads His church with a group of pastors. These pastors must SERVE as overseers, willingly, not for dishonest gain, and must be examples to the church (1 Peter 5 v 1-5).
The recent traditions in the church go directly against the exhortation by Peter through the Spirit of Christ. Firstly, a single pastorate model is practised instead of a team of pastors. The man of God is the senior pastor with all power and anointing. We go to church to hear a man on a show, not to give Christ the pre-eminence He deserves. Secondly, the church seems to exist for the man of God. The church is like a franchise and family business. These singular men of God are untouchable and Lord it over the flock of Christ. Under these men, the church has become the biggest scam of the 21st century.

In the spirit of uprooting the foreign concept of superstars and men of God, I have compared the attitudes and practices of the Men of God (papa) with that of the God of all men (Jesus).

Men of God
God of all men
You pay R7000 to see the man of God.
Christ says freely you received, freely you give. (Matthew 10 v 8)
You can’t call him your brother.
Christ says, “I am not ashamed to call the saints brethren.” (Hebrews 2 v 1)
You must serve the man of God.
Christ washed the feet of His disciples. ( John 13 v 1 – 17)
He founded the church
Christ died for the church. ( Ephesians 5 v 25)
The man of God has body guards
Christ rebuked Peter for cutting someone’s ear
The man of God does a grand entrance and receive worship
Angels refused the worship of men. ( Revelations 22 v 8 – 9)
The man of God has commercialized the church
Jesus cast out traders and dealers in the church. ( John 2 v 13 – 17)
The man of God wants you to receive his anointing.
Christ anoints gifts and graces everyone for the benefit of all. (I Corinthians 12 v 7).

Taung Inspirational Summit 2018

Summit Objective:  To inspire and equip the community in all spheres of life. Themes to be explored include:
- Financial stewardship
- Relationships
- Integrity
- Leadership
- Overcoming challenges

Delegates: All community members welcome including youth, professionals, entrepreneurs, and community leaders.  

Moronwa Mokoena (MC) 
Moagi Keretetse (Summit Convenor) - Keys to unlock your purpose
Pst. Itumeleng Mabogola - Defying the odds
Onkarabile Mokoto - Power of planning
Goitsemang Keretetse - Towards my first degree and beyond 
Kgololosego Kgololosego - 21st century leadership
Andile Nkosi - The Business of Releasing an Album

Become part of it: RSVP by clicking REGISTER HERE. Entrance is free. 

Money Lessons From The Book Of Proverbs - Chapter 11: Financial bondage

The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender. -Proverbs 22:7 NKJV
Poverty and indebtedness robs a person of true freedom. You can be free legislatively, you can even be free spiritually, but if you are poor and in debt your freedom is not complete. You will still be subject to your creditor; you will still be servant or slave to the lender. Even though slavery has long been abolished, if you are in debt you are still in bondage.

Financial freedom
Therefore, you have to undertake a journey towards freedom, financial freedom. You have to break the bondage that poverty brings upon you. Financial freedom is achievable when you “owe no man nothing”. That is where it starts. It is achieved by having more than enough resources, to an extent that work becomes a pleasure not a necessity. The goal is to redeem your time, and do that as soon as possible.

Money Lessons From the Book Of Proverbs - Chapter 14: Purpose of money

Money is a tool to be used, not a god to be served
No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” -Luke 16:13 NKJV

Greek word for ‘serve’ is douleuo which means to obey and submit to. It is impossible, for a servant to serve, obey and submit to two masters. You cannot give allegiance to two Masters. It is important to note that money is recognized as a master that can be obeyed. And indeed it is a powerful force, where people who disregard God have bowed to money as a master.

A man who has subjected himself to money, making it his master, thus loving it to an extent that he will kill to acquire it will suffer greatly as the Scripture warns. The Scripture says a person under the mastery of money will stray from the faith, and will pierce himself with many sorrows (I Tim 6 v 10). If sorrows and straying are the results when money is your master, then money is a bad master. 

Foreword on " Manual For Fulfilling Your Purpose" by Kgolo Kgololosego

Book pre-launch event at Cosmo City Church
Foreword by Kgolo Kgololosego

Many products come with manuals when purchased from an authentic retail outlet or distributor. I recently had to replace an old Defy cooking hob with a newly purchased Whirlpool hob from an authentic dealer. The two hobs had similar functions but where different in how you use them. They both could boil a pot and cook a neck of lamb. But they were different! Have you driven an automatic transmission car after years of using a manual transmission car? The automatic offers a new and different experience – you press the start button (or twist the key to crank the engine), put the gear selector in ‘D’ for drive and you won’t have to touch the gear shifter (unless you wish to enjoy the steptronic technology) or depress the clutch pedal before you reach your destination. For a manual transmission, you clutch and change gears for most of the manoeuvres! Same function different ways to use! The new hob promised to give a new seamless and effortless experience!

Money lessons from the book of proverbs: Part 7 Hard work is the open secret to success

7. Hard work is the open secret to success
He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich. (Proverbs 10:4 NKJV)

Everybody hates poverty, but not everybody hates slackness. Everybody likes riches, but not everybody likes hard work. According to the Bible, poverty is not a result of a lack of opportunity, but a lack of hard work. Poverty is not a result of a lack of ability, it comes because of laziness. What separates a rich man from a poor man, is hard work. Nothing more, nothing less. It is the hand of the diligent that makes rich.

Money lessons from the book of Proverbs: Part 6; Cultivating a heart of generosity

6. Cultivating a heart of generosity 

He who has a generous eye will be blessed, For he gives of his bread to the poor. (Proverbs 22:9 NKJV)

Generosity unlocks and manifests God's blessings in our lives. Generosity is an expression of love and selflessness. Generosity is sharing your time and resources for the betterment of others, and/or the pursuit of a worthy cause. Generous people are a prosperous breed of people. They are always increasing, always growing and always progressing. 

Money lessons from the book of Proverbs, Part 5: How much is enough?

5. How much is enough?

Do not overwork to be rich; Because of your own understanding, cease! (Proverbs 23:4 NKJV)

Overworking to be rich is an indication of a lack of wisdom. People who lack understanding overwork to be rich (Prov 23 v 4). What then is the problem with overworking? Firstly, overworking will cause other aspects of your life to suffer. For instance, you might be making lots of money while your marriage, your family and other relationships are sacrificed. Pursuing money at the expense of these vital relationship is lack of understanding.

Secondly, success is not only monetary. True prosperity is succeeding in your finances, family, health, social, and spiritual life. It is about achieving a balance. It is about working on all these aspects of your life. Most of the time, people who overwork to be rich, do that at the expense of their health also. People spend their health to get wealth, then spend their wealth to get health. The bible correctly admonishes us, '...Because of your own understanding, cease!'

Money lessons from the book of Proverbs: Kingdom principles for truefinancial stewardship, Part 4

Part 4: Not all that glitters is gold

There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; And one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches. (Proverbs 13:7 NKJV)

Not all that glitters is gold. This is a famous saying, which means that not everything that looks precious is actually so. The scripture above shows that seeing is not believing. A person can appear to be rich, while the opposite is true. Conversely, a person can appear to be poor, while is indeed rich. In this case, looks can really be deceiving. (The advent of Photoshop has worsened things, what you see is not what you get, due diligence is a necessity.) On a serious note, the desire to appear rich is detrimental to wealth building.

Money lessons from the book of Proverbs: Part 3

Part 3: Beware of get-rich-quick schemes

Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies will have their fill of poverty. A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. (Proverbs 28:19-20 NIV)

There are four things that I would like to discuss from the Scripture above. Namely; work or hard work, chasing fantasies, faithfulness, and get-rich- quick schemes. Interestingly, all these four things have their rewards.